
I love to Craft, especially when it’s to make gifts for friends and family, or to create inspirational pieces for my business, Angelic Hands.

I can’t list all of the crafts that I have enjoyed as there are so many, but the crafts I love most are the ones where I recycle, re-use and re-love old items into new things that will bring happiness to whoever ends up owning them.  I collect beautiful paper, in the form of envelopes, wrapping paper, packaging, magazines etc. and bits and pieces that can be used as embellishments then put them together with positive affirmations in recycled frames.  I also save pretty fabric trims, ribbons, lace, buttons and beads to create colourful, decorative wands.

I also like to create candles, scented oils and balms, bath salts and herbal bags using herbs, spices and essential oils.  Craft can be a beautiful experience for all the senses.

I find craft is a wonderful mindfulness practice.  I focus solely on what I am creating,  the colours, shapes, smells and texture of the materials and how they blend and contrast.  Creativity is really therapeutic to me, I wouldn’t be the same if I didn’t have that form of expression and outlet.

My natural magpie instincts to collect pretty, shiny, things comes in really handy and crafting is a great excuse to hoard beautiful things!

I love to see other peoples craft and really appreciate the care, skill and effort that people put into their creations.

I wish you joy in Creative expression.

Namaste x



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