

Feeling cast Adrift it can feel incredibly freeing and also scary.  Changes in your life like growing away from people, leaving a job, moving to a new area or ending a relationship can leave you feeling adrift.  This sense of freedom can help you to see new opportunities, reassess your self and your life.   leaving you feeling free to start again, free from what used to hold you back or free to create yourself anew.  You can face new challenges and try new things.  It can also feel unsettling, like you have no port in a storm and no anchor to hold you safe.

This is where you need to be your own safe harbour and find ways to anchor and centre yourself, whether it’s through mediation, painting, walking, being in nature. Discover what makes you feel happy, secure and content within yourself and allow yourself time to just be.  Feeling happy in your own skin isn’t all about loving your looks and your body, it’s about liking yourself, being able to look yourself in the eye and say ‘I’m doing my best’, it’s speaking your truth in kind ways, recognising your own inner strength, liking yourself and having a clear conscience.  It’s ok to know you’re not perfect (who is?) but know that you’re basically a good person who is trying hard and means well.

Being your own anchor means that you don’t have to rely on someone else for your happiness, security, comfort and wellbeing.  Thats often too much responsibility to put on someone else and in the end they can’t make you happy, you have to do that for yourself.  Of course being with people you love and love you back makes you happy and being part of a mutually supportive relationship is reassuring, grounding and a joy.  But  there’s something incredibly empowering and comforting in knowing that if it was just you, totally on your own you could make a good life for yourself without relying on anyone else.

Being adrift is exhilarating,  the stormy times are a little scary but knowing that you are strong and resilient helps you face the storm bravely and ride the waves in your own unique style.

Don’t forget that it’s often the stormy seas that wash up the most interesting things to the shore.

Wishing you smooth sailing, safe harbour and exciting journeys.



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