My First Response to a Prompt!

In response to The Daily Post’s writing prompt: “Symbol.”

beach pano

To me this picture symbolises peace and serenity, a place where I can go with my family and we can all forget the rest of the world and just be us, away from all the pressures of school and work and away from the scary technology that seems to threaten to take our lives over.

Ok I’m doing this, I’m really doing this!  I have no idea how it works and may never get it actually posted but I’m giving it a go!  I’m a complete technophobe so blogging is a whole new world to me and I’m still very much feeling my way.  (more like fumbling in the dark really).  I’ve only made 10 posts to my blog but to me that’s a big achievement and symbolic of the new, braver, more honest me;

‘This is me, I have no idea what I’m doing and am not sure who wants to read what I’ve got to say but I’m doing it anyway.  I’m no literary genius but I’m writing from a place of sincerity and friendliness  so it can’t be all bad, no one has to read it or like it but there might be some people out there who get me.  If not never mind, I’ve got it out of my system and no one got hurt.’

I still haven’t used the ‘TAGS’ & CATEGORIES’ thingies because to be honest I don’t know what they are and they sound like they could be used to point more people towards my blog which although would be great it’s also a little scary.  Ooh and I’ve just scrolled down and realised I can set a featured image and add a summary of my content too.  See I’m really new at this!

Thinking about what symbolism means in my life I can think of a couple of things I could talk about:   How children learning to use objects to symbolise other things from their experience during their play is a vital step towards being able to use numbers and letters as symbols for amounts and sounds for maths and literacy.  Or how using symbols in Reiki Healing can help to tune in and channel various frequencies of Reiki energy.  I’m sure if I thought about it for longer there’d be more, but I think I’ll stick to admitting that posting this response to a prompt that means more than 5 people might read my post is symbolic of my commitment to blogging, that I’m really going to give it a go, learn something new and possibly conquer my technophobia!  I’m feeling the fear and doing it anyway! Hello Cybersocialmediascarycomputer world I’m taking tentative steps to being part of you, please be gentle with me.

4 thoughts on “My First Response to a Prompt!

  1. […] RainbowsThe Wand, Stone and Cloak Pack Your MatWhy I chose to tattoo the OM symbol on my forearm? Angelic HandsMy First Response to a Prompt! Mad Meandering MeWeekly Photo Challenge: Symbol 83 Unsung HeroesSymbol YarnspinnerrA little flame […]

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